Image by Werner Weisser 

About me and my work

Because I enjoy making in-depth connections between disciplines, I have collected, over the years, a broad portfolio of qualifications, both orthodox and alternative, that span mind, body, and spirit. These modalities have helped me in my own journey of recovering myself and navigating this life, and I wish to share what I have learned so that it may also help others become the best versions of themselves and live a fulfilled life.  

I have trained as a biological scientist, GTT Holotropic Breathwork® facilitator, and astrologer, as well as continuing my studies in naturopathy, herbal medicine, somatic & social psychology, and psychedelic-assisted therapy. 

I grew up in Ireland and received my formal years of education within Ireland and Northern Ireland. Further studies and work brought me further afield, where I have had the opportunity to live around the globe, from America to Australia and the UK, and now I reside in Portugal.

I’ve always been passionate about learning from different cultures, which broadens my understanding of human beings and has helped me appreciate the importance of keeping consultations open to topics such as cultural background, traditions, values, race and ethnicity, religion and spirituality, roles, and identity.


The most common reaction to an astrological reading is the client's sense of relief and joy at having their inner truth confirmed and at having discovered that there is, in fact, a cause for their feelings and behaviours.

Holotropic Breathwork

Holotropic Breathwork® is a process of self-exploration that utilizes the healing power of intensified breathing, evocative music, focused bodywork, and mandala drawing to enter an altered holotropic “moving toward wholeness” states of consciousness.


Naturopathy is a system of alternative medicine that focuses on natural remedies and the body's inherent ability to heal itself. While naturopathy is primarily a medical approach, it does have some philosophical underpinnings..

Image by Gerd Altmann


In my years of working on myself and with others, I have become particularly sensitive to the effects of grief and trauma on one’s psyche. I have also been amazed by the resilience that human beings have to overcome and grow from trauma. I bring this experience in my work with anyone who has experienced loss or trauma in their lives.


When given the appropriate support, information, and tools, human beings have the potential to become bearers of creativity, positive action, and mutual support. I hope that by sharing my knowledge and understanding of astrology, transpersonal psychology, and naturopathy, I can assist others in utilising the incredible potential of the human mind, body and spirit, and using it to their advantage to positively impact the communities in which they live. 

Image by John Hain


I strongly believe in the positive impact of healthy relationships and community bonds, and support all my clients to nurture authentic connections with others, be it through individual consultations or group workshops.


Current research on mental health is bringing to light the powerful benefits of connecting to nature. At the same time, we are witnessing a growing sense of grief and anxiety around the devastating effects of climate change. In recent years, I’ve merged my work as an Astrologer with my passion for nature by studying Naturopathy to help others connect to nature, to their bodies, and become more consciously aware of how their choices impact the environment. By creating a healthy environment both within and without, we contribute to cleaner air, reduction of pollution, and improved overall well-being for ourselves and future generation. 

Image by Peter Schmidt


I am certified as a facilitator in GTT Holotropic Breathwork®, which combines didactic and experiential sessions in Transpersonal Psychology and Holotropic Breathwork®.

Other disciplines that have helped me weave the web of my own journey is becoming certified in Psychological Astrology through the CPA & MISPA schools in London and further training in this field through the school of Astro-Synthesis under Brain Clarke. I am also trained in Archetypal Astrology, studying under Rick Tarnas, Renn Butler and Keiron Le Grice. I continue to build on my understanding and practice by taking a deep dive into the works of Dane Rudhyar, who was a pioneer of modern transpersonal astrology.

Following a BSc in Biological Science and more than twenty years’ experience in the clinical research industry I am currently studying Naturopathic Medicine, through the School of Naturopathic Medicine in London. This course encompasses Naturopathy, Herbal Medicine, Healing Diets, Iridology and Vibrational Plant Medicine. 

With the emergence of the psychedelic renaissance, I am expanding my studies in theoretical understandings and research findings emerging from Stan Grof's sixty years of consciousness research. This program covers the extensive and growing body of recent research supporting the value, as well as risks, of psychedelic assisted therapy for various therapeutic issues and with use of various substances.

The importance of bodywork in grounding my experiences from my own process has brought me to explore Integrative Bodywork & Movement Therapy through a holistic approach to Somatic Movement Education and Therapy based on principles of Body-Mind Centering®, Authentic Movement and Somatic Psychology. This has been a great integrative modality for me in my explorations.

I passionately believe in the innate wisdom that lies within each of us and that can lead us to spiritual and emotional healing and support each of us to live a more authentic, wholesome and joyful life.