About Holotropic Breathwork®

Holotropic Breathwork® is a process of self-exploration that utilises the healing power of intensified breathing, evocative music, focused bodywork, and mandala drawing to enter an altered holotropic “moving toward wholeness” states of consciousness.  Following in the tradition of the shamanic practices, rites of passage and mystery religions of ancient cultures, we create a supportive and caring space in which participants’ own inner healer can select the most relevant material and bring it up for processing. These sessions are valuable for people seeking relief from physical tension or emotional pain, an opening of creative channels, or a deepened connection with the inner Divine. Holotropic Breathwork® is a powerful and unique method to experience extraordinary states of consciousness in a safe setting and to gain access to your own innate resources. 

No prior knowledge is required to participate. 

This technique was developed by Stanislav and Christina Grof as a non-drug substitute for his earlier work in psychedelic therapy and is considered the most powerful non-drug method for entering holotropic or non-ordinary states of consciousness. It is based on over sixty years of clinical therapy experience with expanded states of consciousness, on intensive research of modern psychology and consciousness, as well as the study of ancient spiritual wisdom teachings. There are currently hundreds of practitioners worldwide.  

I have been practicing Holotropic Breathwork® since 2017, completed the Grof Transpersonal Training in Holotropic Breathwork® and Transpersonal Psychology in 2023, and am available to facilitate workshops.  

Image by Alex Gray


During the session you are lying on a mattress with your eyes closed. In a protected setting, guided by one's own breath and carried by the music, the natural process of self-healing is activated. Various experiences from the biographical, perinatal and transpersonal field can be experienced and find expression in physical and emotional sensations, energetic movements, visions, etc.

Every experience is unique. There is no "right" or "wrong" way to experience holotropic breathing.

Holotropic Breathwork might be of interest if
    • You are seeking a more experiential approach to healing, one that goes beyond talk therapy.
    • You are experiencing a major life crisis and seeking deep wisdom and insights.
    • You want to release unresolved issues from the past.
    • You want to understand the emotional roots of a persistent physical / psychosomatic condition.
    • You want to expand your consciousness and further explore your spiritual path.
    • You want to integrate psychedelic experiences.
    • You are in the GTT Holotropic Breathwork® or Grof® Breathwork Training Programs.

Next Workshops


Residential Sintra (Lisbon)

Double Holotropic Breathwork
February 22nd–25th


Residential Wicklow

Double Holotropic Breathwork,
May 2nd – 5th


Residential Sintra 


Double Holotropic Breathwork,
May 30th - June 2nd


Residential Wicklow

Double Holotropic Breathwork,
August 22nd – 25th


Residential Sintra (Lisbon)

Double Holotropic Breathwork
October 10th - 13th


Residential Sintra (Lisbon)

Double Holotropic Breathwork
December 12th–15th


For more information about this technique of self-exploration and for lists of practitioners in your area, check out the following websites:





